The Basque Government and Orona Foundation deliver 2,000 servings a day of solidarity dishes
This is the Jakioro project that takes advantage of agricultural surpluses and provides to the most vulnerable groups.
08 May 2020

The situation created by the pandemic has caused disruptions in the usual marketing of agri-food products produced in the Basque Country, especially in those that are more dependent in the hospitality sector. With this sector completely inactive, there is a high risk of waste of products.
At the same time, the health crisis has also led to an increase in the social needs of the most vulnerable groups and the solidarity with the Basque Government has grown, through the Guztion Artean initiative with the active participation of Caritas and the Basque Red Cross.
Despite the current challenges facing the industrial sector, the Guipuzcoana cooperative Orona, a leader in the Elevator sector, are making an additional effort through its Foundation, to collaborate in solidarity with the most deprived families in the Basque Country.
The FOUNDATIONs HAZI (dependent on the Basque Government) and Orona have launched the JAKIORO solidarity project based on locally produced products. So far 18,564 prepared dishes have been distributed. Local farms and food companies are supplying ingredients for preparation by Orona at their facilities at the Scientific and Technological Park of Gipuzkoa of around 2000 meals per day, delivered twice a week to those that need them most.
The agreement between HAZI and Orona to develop this initiative will continue over the coming months, depending on the needs and availability of resources.
The initiative requires strict and careful coordination in which the HAZI Foundation are responsible for coordination and logistics, and Orona is responsible for preparing and cooking the meals.
The menu is currently composed of a vegetable cream, braised Alava chickpea followed by kiwi and apple sponge. The ingredients are eusko Label or Euskal Baserri, contributed by the following cooperatives and companies: Barrenetxe Koop., Garaia Koop., Garlan Koop., Udapa- Paturpat Koop., Alberro S.L., Karabeleko and Lurrarte S.L.